Pombaline Period

The Great Lisbon Earthquake is clearly registered in the archeological layers of NARC: house ruins, debris and carbonized vestiges of the great fire.

Regarding the “Pombalino” context, at NARC were preserved pavements in limestone slobs, sometimes grooved and leaning towards the outside which shows the use of the ground floors as stables. In the inner corridor there was a cobbled pavement of basaltic pebbles. Next to the buildings facades, in the interior, several wells were found. Four meters below the present-day ground level lay the building foundations in wooden grid and green pine poles, submerged in the water level of Tagus River.

Dated from the 18th to the 19th centuries two industrial and commercial structures were found here. The first would most likely be a bakery which oven was excavated. The second was presumably a blacksmith workshop once there is a quadrangular forge heavily encrusted with construction materials, shards of melting pots, scobs, charcoal and ashes.

Holy water font missing the fixation element. It’s decorated with two floral fillets evolving from the center of the piece.