Remodeling NARC

Rua dos Correeeiros Archaeological Site (NARC) opened to the public in 1995 and was classified as National Monument in 2015. It had about 185.000 visitors throughout the years.

 Two decades after it opened to the public it’s time for NARC to have a new museographic image, more contemporary and adapted to the current days. To achieve that purpose, the Millennium bcp Foundation asked ATELIER BRÜCKNER, one of the most reputed exhibition designers, to do the intervention project that will begin this year in July. ATELIER BRÜCKNER is specialized in narrative scenographic architecture.

 Therefore, from the 1st of June 2019, NARC is closed for the intervention. The reopening was scheduled for the first half  of 2020 but, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the reopening will be announced in due date.

Soon NARC will present a new narrative architecture that will offer the visitors an improved experience. The archaeological structures will remain intact as the intervention will focus on a new visiting concept.

 Thanks to all of you that have visited us through the years.

 We apologize to all of you that were planning on visit us during the closing period.

 We promise to return soon.